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(That's why it's short & sweet w/ typoes)
Sent from my iPhone.
(That's why it's short & sweet w/ typoes)
Sent from my iPhone.
(That's why it's short & sweet w/ typoes)
Sent from my iPhone.
(That's why it's short & sweet w/ typoes)
The manager at Starbucks calls me Mustafa I don't like it. No one ever called me Mustafa when I was wearing a weave. I let him get away with it because he's from a foreign country and I don't think he realizes how racist and insulting it is.
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(That's why it's short & sweet w/ typoes)
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(That's why it's short & sweet w/ typoes)
I've got 30 extra minutes before my client so I bought a shirt for my audition I let Old Navy handle my styling. :-/
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(That's why it's short & sweet w/ typoes)
Just finished my ADR nurse Jackie. ADR it's always nerve-racking because you worry about how they cut your performance together and if you will like it. I was very happily surprised because I like it a lot.I look good and I'm pretty sure that's my first time using my own hair in at least 20 years.
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(That's why it's short & sweet w/ typoes)
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(That's why it's short & sweet w/ typoes)
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