So I got this is my email. :-). A great way to start of the weekend. ROZ
Miss the boys but loving SF
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Sent from my iPhone. (That's why it's short & sweet w/ typoes)
For Business:
For Fun:
Napping w mom, sis, 18 month old niece.
Mixer tonight w class & arty friends
Sent from my iPhone. (That's why it's short & sweet w/ typoes)
For Business:
For Fun:
Raffle at internationational night
New Hat, For bad hair days
Got this hat to celebrate the app.
Captin underpants party
See and download the full gallery on posterous
Sent from my iPhone. (That's why it's short & sweet w/ typoes)
For Business:
For Fun:
Dancing at WH
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(1277 KB)
Sent from my iPhone.
(That's why it's short & sweet w/ typoes)