My Master

Taking a much needed day off after working & working, only having one day off since January 2nd. I love my life but I need to take better care of myself and recharge my batteries. Of course I really want to set up some meetings with folks I am hoping to work with. I got itchy fingers to call or email folks to get it popping but I have GOT TO STOP!!! Perhaps drink water and go to the gym. All the purple or red days on the calendar mean work (which I love) but I have not found a way to balance. I added a new color, pink, that's for me. I am trying also not to pay attention too much to the news because it upsets me so much. I need to get control of my stress of course to be the most creative, positive, person I can be.  Hopefully that will lead to me being able to live, love and leave a legacy. Pray for me and I will pray for you. 

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