Casting "Cool Kidz" Short Film

Good girl Jahirah, determined to get an invite to the "cool kidz" party, resorts to desperate measures, with life changing consequences.

Written by Shana Solomon and Craig T. Williams

Directed by Rosalyn Coleman Williams

Shoot dates: June 3, 5-6, 2010


JAHIRAH - Cast                       

SIRUS, African American, 60’s spiritual and old school, no nonsense  grandfather of Jahirah.           

DANIELLE, Black, 17, best friend to Jahirah, she’s spirited fun loving and loyal.           

JUSTIN, Black, 17, gangly prankster, the school clown desperate for attention                       

ALLEN, Black, 17, a good soul, has a not so secret crush on Jahirah.

SECURITY GUARD, any ethnicity, 30’s, takes job very seriously.                       

PRINCIPAL GREEN - Cast           

CHERIE, Black, 17, the “it’ girl, fly and fabulous                       

REPORTER, 30’s any ethnicity, sensationalist.

SAG LOW-BUDGET - Pay available.

Please send headshot/resumes and links to reels to: