Becoming Ricardo

This is not a Red Wall Production


Character Description:  Bruce Antonio Edwardson

TALL, LATINO and HANDSOME – leading man type. Age range: 30-40. Height: 6 feet and up. Bruce is a ladies’ man that is struggling with alcoholism, he carries nips and flasks around to help him get through the days. In addition to maintaining his high profile life as the lead actor on the crime-drama TV show "Crime, Law and Justice".  On screen, he is a commanding presence, but off screen - he is nothing short of a mess. He quickly befriends his new co-star Ricardo, who is really a woman dressed as a man, but Bruce has no idea..... well.... at least not yet. MUST HAVE comedy experience.  Filming will be through and into September 2013.

IMPORTANT DATES IN MAY - that you must be available for: 

  • Auditions are on Saturday, May 4 - in NYC
  • Rehearsal on Sunday, May 12 - in NYC
  • Filming on Saturday, May 25 - all day in Bronx, NY.

Interested in auditioning for us on May 4? 

Email us your headshot and resume at: