
Off-Broadway Casting

Announcing Non-Union Auditions for the Off-Broadway Production of “The Kentucky Tragedy.”

Dennis Kelly Higgins, Producer, is currently scheduling appointments for a new Courtroom Drama, based on the astonishing events surrounding the First Financial Panic of 1819, and the spectacular Murder of Attorney General Solomon Sharp, followed by the explosive Trial of his assailant Jerry Beauchamp, in 1825, marking the first time a man was executed in the State of Kentucky. 

Auditions: Monday, April 7--Sunday, April 13. Rehearsals: Monday, April 14—Tuesday, May 13. Performances: Wed., May 14—Sunday, May 25. 

Performances will take place at: The Sargent Theater: ATA—American Theater of Actors 314 West 54 Street, NYC

Seeking Actors with excellent classical training. A stipend of $200 given for the six week run. 

If you are interested in this project, please contact our assistant Alex with your headshot and resume at

Anne Cooke: 25-35 Leading lady. Stately and beautiful. Betrayed by her suitor, she seeks solitude and redemption. 

Ellen Reardon: (Actress of Color.) 25-35 Leading Lady. Closest friend to Anne. Her confidante and critic.

Jerry Beauchamp: 22-32 Leading Man. Stable, devoted to honor. Of the earth.

John Pope: 30-45 Leading man. Defense Attorney. Firm but calm temperament , self-assured.

Charles Bibb: 25-35 Prosecutor. Fierce manner. At the center of an exploding crisis.

Nathaniel: (Actor of Color.) 25-35 Estate Manager. Possessing a steady and generous nature. Above the conflict. 

Petita: (Actress of Color.) 18-25 Wiser than she lets on. Speaks her own truth to the powerless.



I received the email on Friday afternoon for the call back on Monday.  I had been on my way to the health club and scrapped that to go to The Drama Book Shop, as the recommendation for the call back was to prepare a scene that was dramatic, emotional and painstaking.  I didn't have that scene in my back pocket.  I picked up some good material there, though, nothing really landed on me.  I went back to The Drama Book Shop and bought the play of "The Normal Heart".  I read that on Friday evening and then wrote a two page scene of my own.  I was already invested in the story, being Albert's Mother, in "The Normal Heart". It didn't make sense to me to prepare a scene from another play, nor did I have time to prepare a scene before Monday...more 

Lessons From The NBC Diversity Project.

I have many gigs. I am a wife and mom,  sister, actor, teacher, coach, director, PTA secretary, chief creative officer and entrepreneur. I am retiring from the PTA BUT I still want to be on the communication committee at PS 51 in Manhattan so I can do the new website.  But I digress.  Of all of these jobs sometimes one takes over my life more than the others.  Lately this job has been acting coach.  Specifically coaching the network diversity showcase auditions.

If my memory serves me correctly back in the late 80's  because of the lack of minorities on network television the Federal Communications Committee aka the FCC and other organizations such as the Walter Kaitz Foundation and the Minority Media and Telecommunications Council lobbied together and forced the networks to create showcases and opportunities for minority actors. This is where the Diversecity Projects from ABC, NBC and CBS came from. They also have diversity projects for people on the other side of the camera as well.  Personally, I love any and all opportunities  I don't care where they come from.  

Doing this new player's choice class for the actor. On-going so you can join any month. 

Doing this new player's choice class for the actor. On-going so you can join any month. 

In the past couple of weeks I have been helping many actors prepare to submit for these various network diversity projects. This has given me the privilege to see many actors do the same material. I learned a lot. Tanesha Marie Gary and Russell Jordan were two of my favorite auditions because they were truthful and were able to be LetterPerfect with the dialogue while keeping it real high-stakes and being themselves.

Here's a sneak peek of their auditions. Also I recorded an iRozapp that is more detail about the process so check it out on iRozapp  


Laughing Just Thinking About Jeff as Clark....

So I got this is my email.  :-).  A great way to start of the weekend.​  ROZ

I just finished shooting a video audition with Roz, and can I tell you, it was AWESOME! The sound, video and lighting quality were all great, but what was really awesome was that Roz coached me to a much much greater performance than I could have had on my own, AND I LEARNED some really great acting lessons along the way! It was an enormous advantage having an actress/teacher/director as talented as her helping you during your audition! And on top of everything else, Roz made the entire process so much fun and exciting—how often can you say THAT after an audition? I highly recommend her services—it was worth every penny for me.

Thanks so much Roz! And nice to meet you Craig!
— Jeff Kim


Seeking Pernell, White, 35 - 50, former assassin who now runs a covert agency that hires out contract killers. He speaks several languages. We are particularly looking for someone comfortable with speaking Russian or any Eastern European language.

Seeking Brian, African American, 35-50, strong loving and warm leading man. ​

Non-Union/Union (SAG New Media)​

Pay $100

Shoot Date - April 12, 2013

Email headshots/resume and links to reel -