Moving on up!
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Miles hits the stage.
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Getting psyched for Directing Actor's Gym. Nervous. @milesmaker big shoes to fill. So much talent to see. Let's Go!
Put my client Latka on tape for a pilot
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Attending Actor showcase. Nervous for them. Great turn out for snow storm actors from UNH & CMU.
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intern meeting????
Why is it spring for Michelle & the rest of us are getting ready for a snow storm?
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So sad there's no one to cheer for on American Idol. :-( Maybe the boys.
Look who's home from school
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My 3 valentine's day passions.
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First to arrive at the bday party.
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My client and future client work it out.
The beautiful people.
Loved seeing Yvette Ganier on Broadway
TGFH. Thank God For Husbands
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It's my start. :-)
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A Confession
How can you be open about somethings and hide others living in the age of social media? I don't feel like I can hide so here's my confession: I have gained weight. I weigh more now than I ever did before. I'm very unhappy with it. today I started a diet and according to the nutritionist I will be on the diet for four months. now you know.
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That's a wrap on Rosalyn Coleman
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That's a picture wrap on Rosalyn Coleman
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