Untitled new short film project to direct, And it's my mom's bday.

I am just reporting that at the end of August I maybe directing a very good short film.  I am hoping it will come through.

Also I am so glad my mom was born. I realize now how iconic moms are in their child's like now and what a responsibility that is.  It can feel like a burden.  I am so glad my mom stuck with us, me in particular.


That's my mom and Grandma

Posted via email from Rosalyn's posterous

Casting Halee-Catherine Culicerto Project

Directed by Rosalyn Coleman Williams

Written and Produced by Craig T. Williams

Audition date: June 22, 2010

Shoot date: July 1, 2010


BARUTI, 20’s, African Male, sweet soul, kind and smart man. Nigerian accent.

GUS MAHONEY, 20’s, White Male, the ultimate slacker.

VELMA MAHONEY, 50’s, White Female, older than her years, beat down but optimistic.

CASSANDRA, 20’s White Female, smart and guarded, a great confidant.

email: redwallcasting@gmail.com

Acting Teachers Training Workshop at the Actor's Center


Two weeks, ten am to ten pm. Scene study, Slava, clown & a sort of workshop discussion class.

Serving your own need for a rush is not your primary goal. You must have the patience to do the table work. It will help you serve the play and you will discover a greater freedom with in the framework that yields clarity and connection.

Know how to use table work.

Humph. Sold out. :-)


Wonderful show. It made an old couple hold hands. I love being able to watch the audience. I have always loved watching their reactions. It never stops being facinating. That's the same thing I love about sitting amongst an audiece ad they watch a film I have made. It's all for them, to get those reactions. And when they say thank you I realize it was all for me, for the high that had me run 4 blocks for the bus tonight. Thank you universe for the opportunity to do what I love and the good sense to know it is a blessing.

The morning after

Rosalyn Coleman Williams It was great. Doing theatre theses days it's a delicious treat. So fun to tell the story live. To struggle through the process of creation and come out the other side. To feel the audience with you. This play is a love fest. It's all about a couple trying to figure it out. And it's sexy too! Daphne Ruben Vega is at the top of her game and hot as all get out. Winter Miller is so smart and brave and truthful. Wizardcl was very patient with me.

Now I have to return to reality. Preproduction for Cool Kidz and teaching and coaching full steam ahead.


Good girl Jahirah, determined to get an invite to the "cool kidz" party, resorts to desperate measures, with life changing consequences.

Written by Shana Solomon and Craig T. Williams

Directed by Rosalyn Coleman Williams



SIRUS, African American, 60’s spiritual and old school, no nonsense grandfather of Jahirah.

DANIELLE, Black, 17, best friend to Jahirah, she’s spirited fun loving and loyal.

JUSTIN, Black, 17, gangly prankster, the school clown desperate for attention

ALLEN, Black, 17, a good soul, has a not so secret crush on Jahirah.

SECURITY GUARD, any ethnicity, 30’s, takes job very seriously.


CHERIE, Black, 17, the “it’ girl, fly and fabulous

REPORTER, 30’s any ethnicity, sensationalist.

SAG LOW-BUDGET - Pay available.

Please send headshot/resumes and links to reels to: redwallcasting@gmail.com

Acting is humbling

Notes from rehearsal .
This play is based on a theatrical supposition 100% stakes. No style.
Driving head.
Learn lines.
Not working as an actor when its your love, is the absence of God.
God has seen you and you have been found wanting.
How do I live the life I want to lead? The play asks. Sit on the toilet take a sh*t and stare at my Oscar.

Sent from my iPad

Posted via email from Rosalyn's posterous

Casting "Cool Kidz" Short Film

Good girl Jahirah, determined to get an invite to the "cool kidz" party, resorts to desperate measures, with life changing consequences.

Written by Shana Solomon and Craig T. Williams

Directed by Rosalyn Coleman Williams

Shoot dates: June 3, 5-6, 2010


JAHIRAH - Cast                       

SIRUS, African American, 60’s spiritual and old school, no nonsense  grandfather of Jahirah.           

DANIELLE, Black, 17, best friend to Jahirah, she’s spirited fun loving and loyal.           

JUSTIN, Black, 17, gangly prankster, the school clown desperate for attention                       

ALLEN, Black, 17, a good soul, has a not so secret crush on Jahirah.

SECURITY GUARD, any ethnicity, 30’s, takes job very seriously.                       

PRINCIPAL GREEN - Cast           

CHERIE, Black, 17, the “it’ girl, fly and fabulous                       

REPORTER, 30’s any ethnicity, sensationalist.

SAG LOW-BUDGET - Pay available.

Please send headshot/resumes and links to reels to: redwallcasting@gmail.com