Nigerian Girl Loses Her Virginity, Ngozi Anayawu

Let's talk about a great play that I just saw. It was called Good Grief written by Ngozi Anyanwu. Produced by her beautiful sister Chichi, directed by Russell G Jones.

It was the sexual coming of age of a young African woman living in all-white neighborhood in upstate New York. In the first scene her best friend, childhood playmate and almost boyfriend (yes all in the same person) dies.

I could relate to play more than I like to admit. I too experienced the late coming-of-age like the main character. I also had times when I was in all-white environment and had the mixed signals and attention of white boys loving me on the down low. And tragically I lost a friend in high school in a car accident.

Her name was Carrie Blair. I had no idea how to mourn at the time. Carrie was a wild fun sweet big hearted cool girl who taught me how to use a tampon (before I had jump on a trampoline gym class). She was blonde and big busted and my mother didn't like her at all.

For the record Carrie Blair was bad ass great chick who could have been notorious but for some stupid teenage driving mistake.

Thank you Ngozi for helping me remember my friend and my mother's love, who at the time of Carrie's passing, helped me. Now I recall her coming with me to the memorial service and being really gentle with me.

I think the play Ngozi wrote is so specific in character voices, world, and time that it is universal.

My favorite scene was between the mother and father from Nigeria when Ngozi's character is crying in the background and they begin to tease each other about how they grieved over their losses. It was the mix of tragedy and comedy that the great stage director Lloyd Richards used to talk about when we were rehearsing the Piano Lesson. Perfection. Recognizable. Truly "Good Grief."

Finally her play reminds me a lot of the movie Cooley High. I would love to direct Good Grief as a feature film. (I'm just saying. )

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Short Film Casting:
JO (working title)
Directed by Nicholas Heet
Produced by Craig T. Williams, Rhett Dupont, Kris Cheppaikode, Film Shop

Jo - Female, White or Hispanic, mid 30s, pretty, she’s a woman who wants and seeks, but ends up looking in the wrong places.

Hunter - Male, White, 40, a rough but baby-faced man, outdoorsy type with that lived in look.

Brand - Male, White, early 30’s, groomed, ambitious, stuck

Auditions, Monday July 28 in Midtown Manhattan - By appointment only
2 shoot days - between August 10-16

Send headshots/resumes/links to reels to -

Writers - Gird Your Loins!

"Gird Your Loins," remember that scene from "The Devil Wears Prada?" As Meryl Streep's character approaches, Stanley Tucci's character yells to everyone in the office - "gird your loins." Basically it meant, steel yourself people, here comes Miranda the crotch kicking boss. It was a great way to introduce the character. But it got me thinking about the most frequent question I hear from new writers "How do I protect my work?"  Let's talk about that.

Firstly, I am not an attorney, this isn't legal advice this is just stuff I've learned (my lawyer told me to write that.)

Copyright your work. Register it with the US Copyright Office.

Copyright protects "original works of authorship that are fixed in a tangible form of expression.” What that means is -  you cannot copyright your idea for a movie; you can only copyright your expression of that idea in the form of the screenplay. YOU HAVE TO WRITE THE SCREENPLAY!

For years I was led to believe that registering your screenplay with the WGA (Writers Guild of America) was just as good. THAT IS INCORRECT. US Copyright registration is $35 and last's your lifetime plus 70 years. WGA registration is $10 for members, $25 for non-members and lasts 5 years. HMMMMMM! No brainer right.

US Copyright registration entitles you to sue for statutory damages if you feel someone has stolen the execution of your idea and to win attorney’s fees, should the court settle in their favor.  WGA registration does not.

You've written your script (YAY!) maybe even re-written it 2 or 20 times and it's your baby, you have slaved over every word and it's ready, now all you need is someone to read it.

You pitch the idea -  GASP and SWOON, someone wants to read it.

This is where the panic and paranoia set in.

What if they steal it?

In my mind I've already put a down payment on my Malibu dream house.

Oh GOD, they're gonna steal it.

I have to get them to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement, they have to sign a contract that they won't share it with ANYONE. I can't breathe, there goes my Academy Award.




I'm gonna say this and some of you may not like it, no one will ever tell you this - thinking and acting like someone is going to steal your script makes you look like an amateur.

Stop worrying about people stealing your script. I'm not gonna tell you it doesn't happen, It just  doesn't happen nearly as often as you've been led to believe. 

This is an industry of collaboration and relationships. If you have talent people are excited to know you and excited about the possibility of what you can produce for them.

You have to get as many eyes on your story as humanly possible in order to get it to the person who is going to respond and want to get it made.  And sharing is in itself, a form of protection. The more people that know about it, the harder it is for someone else to claim they wrote it.

Industry people know we writers will happily sell ourselves to the lowest bidders. So believe this - it is more effort to steal your story and try and get away with it, then it is to just buy it or even option it from you.

And if you just can't help yourself, keep track write down names and numbers and emails, number your scripts, keep a log, keep a journal. It's a good idea anyway so that you know who you've had contact with because remember you're building relationships.

Sharing your work also frees you of the concept that this is your one and only idea. You are a creative person, you'll have many, many, many ideas and stories to tell, don't get fixated on protecting just one.

So register and move on.

Gird Your Loins.

Think I'm wrong or right? Let me hear from you

Happy Writing!



Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Writer!

You want to be a Writer?
You must be MAD!!

Just started watching Mad Men. OMG!! (I know, I'm late to the party)

The world created by Matthew Weiner and company is so specific, so nuanced, the dialogue so rich and funny, a friend said to me "their subtext has subtext."  Every scene rife with conflict, both internal and external.

It's part of what is being referred to as the new Golden Age of Television.  Have you seen what's out there lately? Breaking Bad, Game Of Thrones, The Good Wife, True Blood, Modern Family, The Walking Dead, Boardwalk Empire, True Detective, I could go on and on, the writing on these shows is PHENOMENAL. You want to compete with those guys?? You must be MAD, CRAZY, CRAY-CRAY!

But WE CAN. Here's how. There was a time not that long ago where the average Joe The Writer had no access to information. We are in a spectacular time where anything we wish to learn or experience is at our finger tips. Blogs, podcasts, seminars, books, there is a TV show called "The Writers Room" where writers from our favorite shows talk about their writing process. 

Before you begin this mad journey, or even while you're in the middle of it, you'll need resources. Information is POWER.

Here are some of my favorites:

1. Script Notes - A podcast from John August and Craig Mazin, 2 WORKING screenwriters, (look up their credits you'll be impressed) this is perspective on the life of a screenwriter that you won't find anywhere else. Unions, contracts, representation, money and craft, craft, craft! These two guys pull no punches, they tell the unvarnished truth about the industry, some of it is hard to hear, but you must if you're serious about being a writer.

2. Nerdist Writers Panel - A podcast from Ben Blacker, a working TV writer. A collection of round table and one on one discussions with writers who are working on the TV shows we are watching right now. Smart, funny and very informative.

3. On The Page - A podcast from Pilar Alessandra. Pilar is a script consultant and screenwriting teacher. She's read probably thousands of scripts, so she knows her stuff about the craft of screenwriting. She's smart, funny and very down to earth.

I'm always looking to learn more, do you have any recommendations for me? Send them to

Writers write, but they should also read!

A link to TV scripts and screenplays:

Happy Writing!


Write What You Know? Bite Me!!

Write What You Know - Bite Me!

“Write what you know.”  Writers hear it over and over and over again. And if you’re a new writer it’s probably the most frustrating thing you’ll ever hear.

Write what you know implies that you have to be living or have lived a spectacularly exciting, tragic or privileged life.  Write what you know implies that if you aren’t a mass murderer (Silence of the Lambs) , a swash buckling billionaire (Ironman) or a hooker with a heart of gold (Pretty Woman) that you aren’t capable of writing a compelling screenplay.

Let me suggest to you to instead WRITE THE FEELINGS YOU KNOW!

Have you ever known real disappointment, love, jealously or crippling fear? These are the feeling that will unearth the story that lies with in you.  

Can you remember your teenage years where you felt misunderstood and isolated? That could be Napoleon Dynamite or Carrie or American Pie.

Looking for love in your life? That could be 40 Year Old Virgin, Bridget Jones Diary or 500 Days of Summer.

Ever felt like a stranger adjusting to new surroundings? That could be E.T. or Shawshank Redemption or Austin Powers.

Think about your favorite movies and remember what emotions were brought up when you saw them. THAT IS WHAT WE WRITE!!

What emotions do you want to explore? Share them with me and I’ll give you some examples.

Happy Writing!!


Dallas Travers Free Seminar

We have an exciting opportunity to share with you. Dallas Travers, The Actors' Advocate, is hosting some free "Break Your Marketing Mold" seminars in New York next week, and there are just a few spots left in the seminar on Thursday, June 12th. 

Dallas really simplifies the whole "business of acting" thing, so I know these seminars are going to offer fresh ideas and great resources. I promise it’s not just a pitch, you’ll actually learn things you can apply right away. 

Here's a little about what she'll be sharing:

  • Why your relationships matter way more than your resume
  • How one of Dallas’ students booked four guest stars in four months.
  • How to book more work, even without representation.

I know you'll leave with some new ideas to inspire you.  Plus it’s free, so there’s nothing to lose.

Spots are filling up quickly, so register now at