Come meet Jessica Sue!
Molly Joseph Project
Sarah: 19-23. White - She's book-smart, sweet, and sheltered. Seemingly timid to those who don't know her well; Sarah is really an optimistic and curious young woman.
Benjamin: 42-47. White - Very successful writer. Sexy and masculine. Distinguished intellectual but not in a stuffy, uptight way - he's hip. Benjamin has a good heart, but can be passive aggressive and arrogant, mainly to mask the deep insecurity that he is no longer relevant/past his prime.
Pay - $100
Audition - Tuesday July 16 by appointment only!
Shoot date - Wednesay July 31.
Send pics/resumes and links to reel to -
From Scenes To Sides: Acting On-Camera with Roz
Showcase at the End of Every 4 Week Session
Only $86 Per Class
Group A: 6:30pm-8:30pm
Group B: 8:30pm-10:30pm
Location: Midtown
Register Here
Looks who is all grown up into an artist. Please support
To All The Dreamers.... An Artist is Born
Meet my Niece Olivia Douglas.
This is her speech from 8th grade graduation. She's such an inspiration to me.
What's your story? WHy do you do what you do? When did you discover your passion? Share your spark story.
Here is Olivias...
Lessons From The NBC Diversity Project.
I have many gigs. I am a wife and mom, sister, actor, teacher, coach, director, PTA secretary, chief creative officer and entrepreneur. I am retiring from the PTA BUT I still want to be on the communication committee at PS 51 in Manhattan so I can do the new website. But I digress. Of all of these jobs sometimes one takes over my life more than the others. Lately this job has been acting coach. Specifically coaching the network diversity showcase auditions.
If my memory serves me correctly back in the late 80's because of the lack of minorities on network television the Federal Communications Committee aka the FCC and other organizations such as the Walter Kaitz Foundation and the Minority Media and Telecommunications Council lobbied together and forced the networks to create showcases and opportunities for minority actors. This is where the Diversecity Projects from ABC, NBC and CBS came from. They also have diversity projects for people on the other side of the camera as well. Personally, I love any and all opportunities I don't care where they come from.
In the past couple of weeks I have been helping many actors prepare to submit for these various network diversity projects. This has given me the privilege to see many actors do the same material. I learned a lot. Tanesha Marie Gary and Russell Jordan were two of my favorite auditions because they were truthful and were able to be LetterPerfect with the dialogue while keeping it real high-stakes and being themselves.
Here's a sneak peek of their auditions. Also I recorded an iRozapp that is more detail about the process so check it out on iRozapp !
Power Of Creation. A Preview Of Ilona Siac
In my new class, this is where I want my clients to get to: figuring out what they want to do, what they are compelled to do, and actually doing it. I directed this and helped created the material. Craig wrote it. It's just a sneak peak. There's more.
Meet Ilona Siac.
Yesterday's Down And Dirty Quick Edit
Super Cool Client @SarahLilley mentioned me in @backstagemagazine
Today Red Wall announced that Roz will be teaching an On-Going, On-Camera Class starting June 10th. We are very excited about this next step for us and to work with all of you. Attached is the breakdown. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your continued support. You are all so wonderful and we can't wait to keep growing and moving forward. We better see you in class :) NEW ACTING CLASS DETAILS
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Subscribers new to our list receive discounts to classes, coaching and reel services.
Join our list HERE!β
Thankful On Mother's Day
We mother/artists have a full plate, take today to celebrate & say thank you for this sacred opportunity to create & to mother. We don't, can't, and aren't alone in this. I know I am not. Couldn't do it without my baby daddy and a host of family, and friends. For them I am so thankful.
Happy Mother's Day To All
Episode Five, Justice The Series
Laughing Just Thinking About Jeff as Clark....
So I got this is my email. :-). A great way to start of the weekend.β ROZ
Friends with No Benefits
Had a very lovely shoot this past weekend. Our client was very focused and professional, he had a very clear vision of his product and it's value, he'd been working on it for 40 years and I was grateful that he asked me to help him facilitate his vision.
I hired a very small efficient and respectful crew, we came up with a plan of action and we set it in motion. The only thing I was not in charge of was the on air talent, a friend of the client, whom he had known had taken many workshops with, was familiar with her temperament and her work ethic: they were good friends. β
We got through the shoot pretty smoothly, I was able to help him communicate his teachings to the camera and with his friend as his assistant and demonstrator, I thought he was really able to bring to life the passion for his work and this technique that has taken him a life time to develop. β
It was the first of a two-day shoot, we finished the day, no problem. We wrapped. He was gracious and thankful, as were we, and we set a call time for the following week.
The next day I'm on another shoot, I get an email from the client. It seems his friend, his on-camera assistant and demonstrator, that is in 75 percent of the shots, called and said she didn't feel comfortable and that she didn't want the footage to be used. EVER!
Our client had no contract with his friend, no waiver, no agreement, nothing in writing, it was his friend, it never occurred to him that he would need it, until he did. β
Now he's stuck and he's decided since this is his friend, he'll honor her wish. Does he have to?β
Shoot of The Month Thanks for the pics Sylvia
Web Series Advice
Got emailed a question recently and I thought I'd share my response:β
My name is Adam Carey and I'm a graduating Senior at NYU. My friend and creative partner Jo-Dean Seymour assisted Squeaky & Ashley on "Father's Day?," and because of her involvement there, we've been aware of Red Wall Productions and have become fans and followers of your show "Justice The Series" since November.
Jo-Dean and I have been working on a web series. We love "Justice" and we've created a comedic web series of our own called "Dorm Therapy." The show is all about college ResLife and what it's like to live with strangers. I was hoping that I could reach out to you and ask for a bit of advice: We're hitting a brick wall with the audience we're able to reach with the show. The first episode has over 2,000 views, but the next three have fewer and fewer.
I'm also curious to know if you have any tips for someone breaking into the industry of Film and TV? That's a broad one but I'd love to hear what you might have to share on the subject as we're both trying to start our careers!
Thank you so much! You can find the first episode of "Dorm Therapy here: and you can check out the facebook page here:
I hope all is well and I would love to hear whatever you might have to say!
Thanks again,
Adam Carey
Show-Runner, "Dorm Therapy" Web Series
NYU Class of 2013
I responded:β
Hey Adam
I just watched all 4 episodes and I'm a FAN. Really really funny, very sophisticated, I really like the characters. Everyone feels very distinct and specific. The relationships feel authentic and they're really funny. The big picture issue for me is I'm not getting a sense of goal or importance. You definitely have the "office" kind of feel, but if you remember the office, each episode there was some sort of goal, like today we're doing inventory or today we're going on a sales call. Something that pulled us through the episode. I love the actress that plays Alice, funny, quirky pretty girl, very well played and drawn, burning her tongue on the cookies, freezing her underwear, very funny stuff. So if you assign her some tasks for future episodes, to get the gang together that would help with cohesiveness of the episodes. She did that a little with the milk and cookies and the dorm meeting,but I wasn't clear why she needed to do it. You have such great set ups with the girls who hate to leave their room and some of the others, I think you need to find a way to push the comedy even further, it all feels a little safe right now and some of it is very subtle. Which unfortunately will go over the heads of some people. But don't worry about that just keep working this voice, you'll find your audience.
As for increasing your audience, you should juice up your youtube channel, there are "annotations" where you can insert buttons in your videos which lead people to the next episode and the previous one and to your facebook page and your twitter page, right now it's just a title card, you need to provide links so people can press them before you lose them. I had to search for the next episode and most people don't have the brains or patience to do that.
Also I see you have a good sized cast, EVERYONE of your actors should be tweeting and face booking friends family relatives, strangers. Everyone at NYU should be watching this series and they should be tweeting and sharing. But you have to bombard them which is really obnoxious, but so what. Come up with contests or campaigns to increase viewership. You should be posting to " and and You're gonna have to kick up the social media presence to get people watching and talking. People posted comments on your page and you didn't respond, you HAVE to respond, you have to engage.
As for tips on how to break in the industry, you're already in it. You're creating content. Creating content is the future. Not sure what your focus is (actor, director, producer, writer??) but any and all of those have to start creating content. You've already begun developing your voice and better to start now and take advantage of the resources that school affords you. Keep writing, keep shooting and keep cranking out these episodes. I think you guys have a really great voice, don't be deterred by the low numbers, people will find you, but you gotta start helping them.
I hope that was helpful.
Becoming Ricardo
This is not a Red Wall Production
Character Description: Bruce Antonio Edwardson
TALL, LATINO and HANDSOME β leading man type. Age range: 30-40. Height: 6 feet and up. Bruce is a ladiesβ man that is struggling with alcoholism, he carries nips and flasks around to help him get through the days. In addition to maintaining his high profile life as the lead actor on the crime-drama TV show "Crime, Law and Justice". On screen, he is a commanding presence, but off screen - he is nothing short of a mess. He quickly befriends his new co-star Ricardo, who is really a woman dressed as a man, but Bruce has no idea..... well.... at least not yet. MUST HAVE comedy experience. Filming will be through and into September 2013.
IMPORTANT DATES IN MAY - that you must be available for:
- Auditions are on Saturday, May 4 - in NYC
- Rehearsal on Sunday, May 12 - in NYC
- Filming on Saturday, May 25 - all day in Bronx, NY.
Interested in auditioning for us on May 4?
Email us your headshot and resume at: